Our auction sales are open to everyone.
They are publicised in the specialised paper : La Gazette de L'Hôtel Drouot (The DROUOT Gazette), on our website www.lucienparis.com or on www.gazette-drouot.com or www.drouot.com .
You can also obtain our sales calendar from our offices.
For prestige sales, catalogues are available approximately three weeks before the auction, and virtual catalog one month before. They can be obtained from our offices or be posted to you on request, consult on-line.
We advise you to go to the exhibitions that we organise in order to examine the objects to be auctioned. These exhibitions are generally held the day before and/or on the morning of the sale from 9 am till 12 am, with virtual exhibition on-line publishing the day before.
During the exhibition, the LUCIEN-PARIS staff are on hand to furnish any information on the condition, the period, the value of the objects presented.
If you wish to bid personally at the auction, an approximate time for the sale of the item you are interested in will be given. If you aren't able to be at the sale, you can leave a PURCHASE ORDER with one of our staff who will bid for you. You will be able to fix the bidding ceiling that you don't want to exceed. The person bidding for you will inform you after the sale if the item has been adjudicated in your favour.
You can also bid by telephone. You will need to communicate your telephone number before the sale so that one of our staff can call you when the item you are interested in comes up for bidding. This way you can bid personally and anonymously. Whenever items have been adjudicated in your favour, you will be given a corresponding adjudication slip (invoice). You can pay this invoice by cheque, in cash (within the legal limit), or by bank transfer. In the case of payment by cheque, clearance from your bank will sometimes be necessary before the item purchased can be released. In the other cases, the item will be released immediately.
www.drouotlive.com : Live the sale as if you were there, with the video and the sound, outbid in real time and remote.
The adjudication slip contains all the information given in the sale. These details are a commitment by the Valuer-Auctioneer and the experts for a ten-year period.